Various 8 Sensational Combinations Habits of Leopard

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Night Hunters

Leopards prefer hunting at night to avoid the heat and stay hidden from other predators.

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Solitary Cats

Leopards are solitary animals, marking their territory with scent to avoid conflicts.

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Tree Dwellers

Leopards often drag their prey into trees to keep it safe from scavengers like hyenas.

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Stealth Experts

Their spotted coat provides excellent camouflage in their natural habitat.

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Diverse Diet

Leopards have a varied diet, eating anything from small rodents to large antelopes.

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Powerful Swimmers

Unlike most big cats, leopards are strong swimmers and enjoy being near water.

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Adaptable Hunters

Leopards can hunt in diverse environments, from savannas to forests and even urban areas.

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Secretive Nature

Leopards are elusive and avoid human interaction whenever possible.

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