Totally 8 Fantastic Habits of Akita

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Loyal Companions

Akitas are known for their unwavering loyalty, making them fantastic family pets

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Protective Nature

With a strong protective instinct, Akitas are great watchdogs for your home.

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Playful Spirits

Despite their serious appearance, Akitas have a playful and fun-loving side

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Clean Canines

Akitas are naturally clean and often groom themselves like cats

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Independent Thinkers

Akitas are independent and often think for themselves, showing great intelligence

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Quiet and Calm

Unlike many breeds, Akitas are usually quiet and calm, barking only when necessary

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Strong Bonding

Akitas form strong bonds with their family, often being very affectionate

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High Energy Levels

Akitas have high energy and require regular exercise to stay happy and healthy

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