Top 8 Tips for Raising Turkeys as Pets

Choose the Right Breed

Select a turkey breed suitable for pets, like Bourbon Red or Royal Palm.

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Provide Adequate Space

Ensure enough space for turkeys to roam. Minimum 10 sq ft per turkey.

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Balanced Diet

Feed your turkeys a mix of grains, veggies, and protein-rich foods.

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Fresh Water Supply

Keep a constant supply of fresh, clean water available for your turkeys.

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Safe Shelter

Build a secure coop to protect turkeys from predators and harsh weather.

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Regular Health Checks

Monitor for signs of illness and consult a vet for regular check-ups.

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Social Interaction

Spend time with your turkeys daily to build trust and bond with them.

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Enrichment Activities

Provide toys and activities to keep turkeys mentally and physically stimulated.

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