Top 8 Rarest Natural Instincts of Bernese Mountain

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Natural Instincts

Explore the unique and rare natural instincts of Bernese Mountain Dogs.

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Protective Nature

Bernese Mountain Dogs have a strong protective instinct, making them excellent guard dogs.

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Herding Instinct

These dogs possess a natural herding instinct, a trait from their working dog heritage.

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Family Loyalty

Bernese Mountain Dogs are extremely loyal to their families, showing deep affection and dedication.

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Gentle Temperament

Despite their size, Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their gentle and calm nature.

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Scent Tracking

Their strong sense of smell makes Bernese Mountain Dogs excellent trackers.

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These dogs have a playful side, enjoying games and activities with their owners.

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Eagerness to Work

Bernese Mountain Dogs are eager to work and thrive in tasks that engage their minds and bodies.

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