Meet the West Highland White Terrier, a popular small breed known for its spunky personality and adorable appearance.
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Westies are loyal and affectionate companions, forming strong bonds with their owners.
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Enjoy a cleaner home with a Westie, as they are low shedding dogs, making them ideal for allergy sufferers.
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Stay active and entertained with a West Highland White Terrier, as they are energetic and playful dogs
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Westies are intelligent and eager to please, making them relatively easy to train compared to some other breeds.
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Be cautious around small animals, as Westies have a high prey drive and may chase smaller pets.
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Prepare for some stubbornness, as Westies can have a independent streak that requires patient training.
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Stay vigilant for potential health issues such as skin allergies and hip dysplasia, common in the breed.
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