Top 8 Odd Rarest Features of Russian Blue

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Emerald Eyes

 Their mesmerizing green eyes are a hallmark trait of Russian Blues.

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Silver Sheen

The sleek silver coat of the Russian Blue sets it apart from other breeds.

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 Affectionate Nature

Despite their reserved demeanor, Russian Blues are known to be affectionate companions.

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Playful Persona

Contrary to their stoic appearance, Russian Blues enjoy engaging in playful antics.

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Hypoallergenic Fur

Russian Blues are often favored by those with allergies due to their low shedding and hypoallergenic fur.

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Russian Blues are highly intelligent cats, known for their problem-solving skills.

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Reserved Demeanor

While affectionate, Russian Blues can also exhibit a reserved and dignified demeanor.

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Russian Blues are not typically vocal cats, but they may express themselves with soft chirps and trills.

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