Top 8 Key Ingredients For Fortune Cookies 


All-purpose flour forms the base of the dough, giving structure to the fortune cookies.

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Granulated sugar adds sweetness and helps to achieve the crisp texture of fortune cookies

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Egg whites are crucial for binding the ingredients together and giving the cookies their distinctive shape.

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Unsalted butter adds richness and a smooth flavor, making the cookies taste indulgent

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Vanilla Extract

Vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor, adding a subtle sweetness and depth to the cookies.

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Almond Extract

Almond extract provides a unique, nutty flavor that is characteristic of traditional fortune cookies.

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A pinch of salt balances the sweetness and enhances the other flavors in the cookies.

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A pinch of salt balances the sweetness and enhances the other flavors in the cookies.

Image : unsplash

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