The Afghan Hound, known for its elegant appearance, faces declining numbers due to habitat loss and breeding challenges.
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Otterhounds are dwindling. With fewer than 1,000 worldwide, these friendly dogs are critically endangered.
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The Azawakh, a rare African sighthound, is facing extinction due to habitat loss and declining numbers.
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This unique breed has extraordinary agility. The Norwegian Lundehund faces genetic issues and a shrinking population.
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Sussex Spaniels are affectionate but rare. Conservation efforts are crucial to their survival.
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Dandie Dinmont Terriers, small and sturdy, are at risk due to their limited gene pool.
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The elegant Skye Terrier is on the brink. Low breeding numbers endanger their future.
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Known for their striking appearance, Peruvian Inca Orchids are threatened by loss of genetic diversity.
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