Top 8 Authentic Traits Habits of Akita 

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Loyal Companions

Akitas are known for their unwavering loyalty to their families.

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Intelligent Minds

Akitas are highly intelligent, making them easy to train with proper methods.

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Independent Nature

This breed is very independent, often making its own decisions.

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Protective Instincts

Akitas have strong protective instincts and are great guard dogs.

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Calm Demeanor

Akitas generally have a calm and quiet demeanor, making them good indoor pets.

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Strong Willed

 They are known for being strong-willed, requiring firm and consistent training.

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Good with Children

Akitas can be good with children if properly socialized from a young age.

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 Shedding & Grooming

 Akitas shed heavily twice a year, needing regular grooming to manage fur.

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