Terrible 8 Devil Traits of the Corgi Dog Breeds

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The Corgi's Eyes

Beguiling gaze hides mischief, can lure you into Corgi antics. Beware!

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Stubborn Streak

Corgis hold their ground, refusing commands. Persistence is key!

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Vocal Virtuosos

Barking brilliance; Corgis have a bark for every occasion. Earplugs advised!

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Nipping Tendency

Herding heritage surfaces; Corgis nip ankles in playful pursuit. Watch out!

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Food Frenzy

Bottomless pit syndrome; Corgis live to eat, always hungry, never satisfied.

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King of the Castle

Corgis assert dominance, claiming furniture as throne. Royal treatment only!

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Escape Artists

Masterminds of the getaway; Corgis plot ingenious escapes. Lock up tight!

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Pint-Sized Powerhouse

Small stature, big personality; Corgis pack a punch in attitude. Handle with care!

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