Newest Dog Breeds You've Likely Never Heard


Originating from France, the Barbet is a rare water dog known for its curly coat and friendly nature. Great for families!

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Dogo Argentino

This powerful breed from Argentina is known for its bravery and loyalty. Perfect for active owners looking for a protective companion.

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Lagotto Romagnolo

An Italian breed, the Lagotto Romagnolo is famous for its truffle hunting skills and hypoallergenic coat.

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Thai Ridgeback

A rare breed from Thailand, the Thai Ridgeback has a unique ridge of hair along its back and is known for its agility and independence.

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Nederlandse Kooikerhondje

This small, sporty breed from the Netherlands excels in agility and is known for its cheerful disposition.

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Russian Toy

One of the smallest breeds, the Russian Toy is playful and elegant, making it an excellent lap dog.

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Hailing from West Africa, the Azawakh is a tall, slender sighthound known for its speed and gentle temperament.

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A Hungarian herding breed, the Pumi is lively and intelligent, perfect for those who enjoy dog sports and activities.

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The Top 10 Excellent Longest Living Dog Breeds in USA