Massive 8 Excessive Habits of Maine Coon

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 Food Lovers

Maine Coons are known for their big appetite. They love to eat and often beg for more food.

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Water Fun

 These cats have an unusual fascination with water. They enjoy playing with it and sometimes even dipping their paws in water bowls.

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Vocal Cats

Maine Coons are quite vocal. They use a variety of sounds to communicate their needs and feelings.

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 Playful Nature

 Known for their playful demeanor, Maine Coons love to engage in interactive play and can keep themselves entertained for hours.

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Social Butterflies

These cats are very social and enjoy being around people. They often follow their owners from room to room.

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 Grooming Time

Maine Coons have long fur that requires regular grooming. They often spend a lot of time cleaning themselves.

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Curious Minds

Their curiosity knows no bounds. Maine Coons love to explore their surroundings and investigate new objects.

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Large Size

Known as the largest domesticated cat breed, Maine Coons have an impressive size, which can be overwhelming for some.

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