Instinct 8 Terrible Habits of Blue Heeler in USA

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Herding Behavior

Blue Heelers have a strong herding instinct, often nipping at heels, especially of children and other pets.

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High Energy

These dogs require lots of exercise. Without it, they can become destructive and hard to manage.

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Blue Heelers tend to bark excessively if not trained properly, leading to noise issues for owners.

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Known for being independent and stubborn, Blue Heelers can be challenging to train without patience.

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They can be very territorial, often becoming aggressive towards strangers or other animals.

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Due to their high energy levels, Blue Heelers may chew on furniture, shoes, and other household items.

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Blue Heelers love to dig, which can ruin gardens and yards if not properly managed.

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They can be overly protective of their family, leading to issues with visitors and other pets.

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