How Much Wolf Is There in the Way Your Dog Acts?

Pack Mentality

Both wolves and dogs thrive in social groups. Your dog's need for companionship and social interaction is a wolf trait.

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Howling, barking, and body language are communication methods shared by wolves and dogs. Learn how your dog "talks."

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Hunting Instincts

While your dog might chase a ball instead of prey, the hunting instinct remains strong from their wolf ancestors.

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Territory Marking

Marking territory is a behavior inherited from wolves. Your dog marks to establish their presence, just like wolves.

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Understanding social hierarchy is key for both species. Your dog looks to you as the leader of their pack.

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Protective Nature

Both wolves and dogs are protective of their family. This instinct is why dogs guard their home and loved ones.

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Play Behavior

Play is crucial for wolves and dogs to develop social and hunting skills. Those playful moments are deeply rooted in their ancestry.

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Play is crucial for wolves and dogs to develop social and hunting skills. Those playful moments are deeply rooted in their ancestry.

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