Goldendoodle Puppy Milestones Growth Chart

Week 1: Newborn Puppies

In the first week, your Goldendoodle is developing rapidly. Ensure a warm, safe environment for nursing and bonding.

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Week 4: Eyes Open

By week four, your Goldendoodle's eyes will open. Begin socialization and introduce gentle handling.

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Week 8: Weaning Begins

Around week eight, start the weaning process with soft, nutritious puppy food. Monitor weight gain and appetite.

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Month 3: Teething Time

At three months, your Goldendoodle will begin teething. Provide appropriate chew toys and dental care.

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Month 6: Adolescent Stage

By six months, your Goldendoodle enters adolescence. Expect energy bursts and continue training.

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Month 9: Growth Spurt

Around nine months, your Goldendoodle may experience a growth spurt. Adjust food portions accordingly

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Year 1: Adult Size Reached

At one year, your Goldendoodle reaches adult size. Maintain a balanced diet and regular exercise routine

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Year 2 and Beyond

Beyond year two, focus on adult maintenance. Regular vet check-ups, exercise, and grooming are key.

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