Are Cairn Terriers Good Family Dogs?

Cairn Terriers

Meet Cairn Terriers, delightful small dogs known for their spunky personalities

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Cairn Terriers are affectionate and loyal companions, perfect for families

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Their playful nature makes Cairn Terriers great pets for children and adults alike.

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Training Needs

With consistent training, Cairn Terriers can be well-behaved family members

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Care Requirements

Regular grooming and exercise keep Cairn Terriers healthy and happy

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Cairn Terriers get along well with other pets, making them excellent additions to any family.

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On average, Cairn Terriers live 12-15 years, providing long-lasting companionship.

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Before adopting, consider if Cairn Terriers' energy level and grooming needs suit your lifestyle.

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