8 Excellent Norms of the Boston Terrier

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Compact Build

Boston Terriers boast a compact frame, ideal for city living.

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Friendly Disposition

 Known for their friendly nature, Boston Terriers make excellent companions.

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Tuxedo Markings

 Their tuxedo-like markings add to the Boston Terrier's charm.

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Playful Demeanor

Enjoy the playful antics of the Boston Terrier, always ready for fun.

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Low Maintenance Coat

With their short coat, Boston Terriers require minimal grooming.

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Affectionate Nature

Experience the affectionate side of Boston Terriers, known for their love of cuddles.

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Boston Terriers are intelligent dogs, quick to learn new tricks and commands.

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Health Considerations

Learn about health considerations specific to Boston Terriers for optimal care.

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