The Top 10 Most Fatal Advantages of Owning Bernese Mountain Dog Breeds

Owning a Bernese Mountain Dog is often seen as a delightful experience due to their gentle demeanor, striking appearance, and loyal nature. However, beneath the surface, there are some significant drawbacks that potential owners must consider. This article delves into the ten most fatal advantages of owning Bernese Mountain Dogs, highlighting the challenges that come with these beautiful companions.

Short Lifespan

Bernese Mountain Dogs have a relatively short lifespan, typically ranging from 6 to 8 years. This limited time together can be heartbreaking for owners who quickly grow attached to their furry friends. The emotional toll of losing a beloved pet so soon can be overwhelming.

Health Issues

These dogs are prone to several health problems, including hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and various types of cancer. The prevalence of these conditions can lead to frequent vet visits, expensive treatments, and a decreased quality of life for the dog.

High Maintenance Coat

The Bernese Mountain Dog’s long, thick coat requires regular grooming to prevent matting and to keep it clean. This grooming can be time-consuming and costly if done professionally. Failure to maintain their coat properly can lead to skin problems and discomfort for the dog.

Large Size

Their large size can be a disadvantage in many living situations. They need ample space to move around comfortably, which can be challenging in small apartments or homes with limited outdoor areas. Additionally, their size can make travel and transportation difficult.


Bernese Mountain Dogs shed heavily, especially during shedding seasons. This can be a significant issue for those with allergies or for owners who prefer a clean, hair-free home. Regular vacuuming and cleaning become necessary to manage the shedding.

Training Challenges

While Bernese Mountain Dogs are intelligent and eager to please, their independent streak can sometimes make training a challenge. Consistent, positive reinforcement methods are required, which can be time-consuming and require a significant commitment from the owner.

Exercise Needs

These dogs require a substantial amount of exercise to stay healthy and happy. Daily walks, playtime, and opportunities to run are essential. Without sufficient exercise, they can become bored and develop destructive behaviors.

Separation Anxiety

Bernese Mountain Dogs are known for their strong attachment to their families. They can suffer from separation anxiety if left alone for long periods, leading to stress and behavioral issues such as chewing, barking, or digging.

Feeding Costs

Given their large size, Bernese Mountain Dogs consume a significant amount of food. High-quality dog food is essential to maintain their health, and the cost of feeding them can quickly add up, placing a financial strain on some owners.

Potential for Aggression

Although generally good-natured, Bernese Mountain Dogs can become aggressive if not properly socialized or if they feel threatened. This potential for aggression means that owners must invest time in socialization and training to ensure their dog is well-adjusted and friendly.


Owning a Bernese Mountain Dog comes with a blend of joy and challenges. Their affectionate nature, beauty, and loyalty make them appealing, but the drawbacks, such as health issues, high maintenance, and significant exercise needs, cannot be overlooked. Prospective owners must weigh these factors carefully to ensure they can provide the care and environment these dogs need to thrive.


What is the average lifespan of a Bernese Mountain Dog?

The average lifespan is typically between 6 to 8 years.

How often should I groom my Bernese Mountain Dog?

Regular grooming, including brushing several times a week and professional grooming every few months, is recommended.

Are Bernese Mountain Dogs good with children?

Yes, they are generally good with children due to their gentle and affectionate nature.

What are common health issues in Bernese Mountain Dogs?

Common health issues include hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, and various types of cancer.

How much exercise does a Bernese Mountain Dog need?

They require substantial exercise, including daily walks and regular playtime, to stay healthy and happy.

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